The Unified Theory of Everything Human is a comprehensive model of human evolution and development.
Unified Therapy™ has duel purposes – one that is designed therapeutically for clients and the other that is designed for teaching healthcare professionals across multiple disciplines. It can be integrated with and complements other therapy treatments including psychotherapy.
From the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ACE Study, to the Center On The Developing Child at Harvard University, it is becoming alarmingly clear that both physiological and psychological health and disease, whether we thrive or remain stuck in life and even our search for purpose, meaning and spiritual quests, has more to do with our early childhood environment including intergenerational toxic stress effects on the brain than anyone could imagine.
This Unified Theory incorporates an interdisciplinary view aimed at finding the convergence (consilience) among independent fields to enable a unity of knowledge to emerge. An interdisciplinary approach bridges these separations and enables us to unite the healing arts and sciences into a new common language so that we may address the etiology or cause of conditions rather than simply managing and treating symptoms.
We seek to make this language available to all healing practitioners so that we can work together in this greatest of all human endeavors.
Healing Practice of Jim Fazio
Jim Fazio, LMT, CSI, UTP, was a rare breed of therapists who addressed the biopsychosocial components of neuromuscular pain, trauma, and anxiety, and supported those that are on the spiritual quest who seek purpose and meaning. As a multi-disciplinary Neuromuscular and Myofascial Therapist, Jim was the owner of Integrative Bodywork, Inc located in Rockledge, FL, where he was in private practice for over 26 years. Highly skilled in a hands-on therapeutic approach with a true intention to heal others, Jim dedicated his life to the healing arts.
We intend to keep our website active in order to continue doing our part to collaborate with the healing community and to bring awareness to this critical piece of the healing puzzle and advocate for the inclusion of addressing these biopsychosocial factors in all of our healing practices.
Unified Therapy™ – the cornerstone of Jim’s work – utilizes a comprehensive, interactive body~mind~brain approach that incorporates multiple techniques based on a variety of therapies, supported by discoveries in Neuroscience, Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy and Somatic Therapies.
For physicians and mental health care professionals, the new diagnostic advantages are unprecedented, healing persistent unexplained illnesses from PTSD to functional neurological disorders (FND) and the greatest mystery in all of medicine – chronic pain, anxiety, and trauma.
Real tools to promote not only physiological and psychological healing, but for the first time, to remove the deeply etched neurological scars in the brain and body.
To those on the path of higher learning seeking truth and knowledge on a spiritual quest, no single process, technique, or mindful practice could offer more. For the truths that emerge belong to no technique, method, or philosophy.
For more information, please contact Mary by email or call 321-258~5313.
Introduction to Unified Therapy™
8:52 minutes
Unified Therapy™, founded by Dr Paul Canali of the Evolutionary Healing Institute, has gained increased attention from a wide variety of practitioners including physicians, mental health practitioners, physical therapists, body workers, neurologists, and psychiatrists.
Featured in a presentation offered during the 2011 Integrative Medicine Symposium held at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, Eugene Ahn, MD, an oncologist, spoke about the vital role of consciousness in healing.
Bringing together many different disciplines and therapies to find common understandings, Unified Therapy™ has demonstrated very promising results particularly in regard to conditions such as: PTSD, Anxiety, and Chronic Pain, which are often times resistant to other more traditional therapeutic approaches.
Why We Are Here
6:37 minutes
Presented by Dr Paul Canali and Jim Fazio, our Healing Retreat Series are powerfully transformative and interactive events to help support and deepen your understanding and experiences of your Unified Therapy™ process. These retreats are not only for individuals, but also for healthcare practitioners, healers, trainers, and instructors from all disciplines.
Dr Paul discusses the purpose of the Healing Retreat Series and the need to have a unified understanding of the human condition.
What are the critical dynamics that are essential to allow patients to express what was suppressed and let healing begin.
Unified Therapy™ can be integrated with and complements other therapy treatments including acupuncture, chiropractic, and psychotherapy. To those on the path of higher learning seeking truth and knowledge on a spiritual quest, no single process technique or mindful practice could offer more. For more information on our Healing Retreats, click here.
The Unification Project™
Our brains and bodies know far more than what is normally available to us. We are conscious of only a fragment of what we deeply know. The central nervous system perceives and processes a great body of information that is stored outside the range of everyday awareness. Some of this information is best handled on an unconscious basis. But conflict, pain, and unresolved problems can become the source of chronic uneasiness, block growth, and even cause illness.
During a Unified Therapy™ session, you will hear the therapist asking you to be present, tune in, focus, feel, and breathe into an area of your body.
What we are trying to do is re-establish the connection that is lost between the brain and the body.
The front part of the brain – the pre-frontal cortex – gets turned off and the autonomic nervous system gets overly stimulated when confronted with life’s stressors and this eventually can lead to burnout and exhaustion.
This state of mind and body is called “survival mode” because the brain and body have purposefully numbed out pain in order to continue on with life.
By learning to re-establish the broken connections between the mind and body, true innate healing will take place.
Read more about The Unification Project
Dominic Petty Interviews Dr Canali
Dominic Petty, a student of Unified Therapy™, interviewed Dr Canali on a Healerology Podcast episode. During this hour-long interview, they discuss a general overview of Unified Therapy™, the theory and science involved in the process, and how Unified Therapy™ has helped people resolve pain, anxiety, trauma, and much more.
Seminar – Unified Theory of Everything Human
Unified Therapy™ has duel purposes – one that is designed therapeutically for clients and the other that is designed for teaching healthcare professionals across multiple disciplines to promote collaboration and an interdisciplinary approach to modern healthcare. Unified Therapy™ can be integrated with and complements other therapy treatments.
Dr Canali presents a variety of lectures, seminars, healing retreats, and training workshops both at the Evolutionary Healing Institute and as a guest lecturer. We are pleased to present the following seminar held at FIU, Miami, Florida on November 15, 2016.
The New Biopsychosocial Model of Disease, Suffering
and Mankind’s Search for Purpose and Meaning
1 hour, 43 minutes
The Unified Theory of Everything Human is a comprehensive model of human evolution and development. It is becoming alarmingly clear that both physiological and psychological health and disease, whether we thrive or remain stuck in life and even our search for purpose, meaning, and spiritual quests, has more to do with our early childhood environment than anyone could imagine.
Consciousness and Healing
We are currently in a time of unprecedented advances in neuroscience and brain imaging technology. These advances have given us new insight on how the nervous system works and the “how’s” and “why’s” of human healing, consciousness, and development.
It has been found that working with the part of the brain called the Middle Prefrontal Cortex, increases “somatic awareness,” or body sensory feedback. This, along with specific Autonomic Nervous System stimulation and sedation, produces something extraordinary.
Given a safe environment with a skilled therapist, an involuntary action or reflex can take over the nervous system. Once activated, it seems to be driven by an innate (subcortical) organizing force.
This is the organizing force – or Master System – seems to take control of all the other bodily systems and major systemic healing responses are activated.
Read more about Consciousness and Healing
The Enteric Brain Technique™
Buried around your gut, or digestive system, is a second brain. The gut brain, also called the Enteric Brain, has a mind of its own.
Functioning much like the brain in your head, this system is able to sense and receive impulses. It records and remembers experiences, and responses to all kinds of emotions. Its neurons, or nerve cells, are affected by the same neurotransmitters (tiny protein messengers), as your high brain.
The Enteric Brain Technique™, originated and developed by Dr Paul Canali, has allowed doctors, therapists, and patients to directly affect and balance the Autonomic Nervous System, or ANS, including the Enteric Brain for the first time by way of somatic or body centered therapy.
The Enteric Brain Technique™ is a method of somatic sensory input using specific touch and biofeedback in conjunction with focused concentration. This type of mindful attention increases body~brain and brain~Enteric Brain bi-directional communication and feedback.
Read more on the Enteric Brain Technique
“The brain in the gut plays a major role in human happiness and misery”
Dr Canali Interview with Dr Ash

Paul Canali, DC, founder of Unified Therapy™, was invited to spend a week in New York at the Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine. Dr Canali was interviewed by Richard Ash, MD on his radio talk show, SICK & TIRED of being SICK & TIRED?, a live global broadcast at 5-7 pm each Sunday on WOR News Talk Radio 710AM in New York.
27:30 minutes

Richard Ash, MD is an internal medicine specialist who is a leader in the field of environmental medicine. Once a victim of his toxic environment, Dr. Ash realized that there were no current methods of treatment that could deal with the toxicity in his body that was causing illness and fatigue. A graduate of the Medical College of Pennsylvania and having done personal research in alternative therapies, Dr. Ash developed a program that achieves dramatic, lasting improvement for patients who have not found relief from conventional methods.
Body Awareness
“Awareness, as opposed to avoidance, of one’s internal states allows feeling to be known, and to be used as a guide for action. Such mindfulness is necessary if one is to respond adaptively according to the current requirements for managing one’s life. By being aware of one’s sensation, one introduces new options to solve problems. This allows people to not react reflexively, but to find better ways to adapt.”
~ Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Beyond the Talking Cure: Somatic Experience
and Subcortical Imprints in the Treatment of Trauma.
In EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach:
Experts of Diverse Orientations Explore the Paradigm Prism.
Francine Shaprio, PhD (editor)
American Psychological Association Books. (July 15, 2002)
Somatic Experiencing
“My observations of scores of traumatized people has led me to conclude that post-traumatic symptoms are, fundamentally, incomplete physiological responses suspended in fear…
These symptoms will not go away until the responses are discharged and completed…
Energy held in immobility can be transformed…”
~ Peter Levine, PhD
Waking the Tiger, North Atlantic Books 1997
9 Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex
Sustained focused attention with Unified Therapy™ activates and develops the 9 Middle Prefrontal Cortex functions. How you focus your attention shapes the structure of the brain – it’s the core of health.
Adapted from “The Mindful Brain”
~ Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Read about the 9 Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex
Read about the Left Brain – Right Brain Functions
“By developing the ability to focus our attention on our internal world, we are picking up a ‘scalpel’ we can use to re-sculpt our neural pathways, stimulating the growth of areas of the brain that are crucial to mental health.”
~ Daniel J Siegel, MD
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
Bantam Books, Inc (December 28, 2010) p. xii
Dr Daniel J Siegel received his medical degree from Harvard University and completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. He served as a National Institute of Mental Health Research Fellow at UCLA and is currently clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine where he is on the faculty of the Center for Culture, Brain, and Development and the Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center.
For additional information, please visit Dr Siegel’s website
How You Can Change Your Brain
Daniel J Siegel, MD
December 17, 2009
Focusing our attention can change the physical structure of our brains. Dr Daniel Siegel explains what is possible when we actively seek to change our brains, thus improving our relationships and stopping self-limiting patterns.
Dr. Daniel Siegel on Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer
Interview with Daniel J Siegel, MD
November 16, 2011
Dr Siegel provides strategies that promote the growth of neural circuits in the brain to support well-being, kindness, & resilience. Information presented here is designed for parents, grandparents, and other adults.
Mindfulness Explored and Explained
The Hawn Foundation with Dr. Dan Siegel
January 01, 2009
The Hawn Foundation is dedicated in supporting mindfulness training in educational and community-based settings. In this interview, Dr Dan Siegel describes the fundamentals behind mirror neurons, mindfulness and how we can begin to shape behavior through mindful practice.