We all have times when we come up against physical situations that challenge us to the core of our being.  It may be anything from hip pain, back pain to a rash, headache, allergies or any condition you can name.  Sometimes these conditions are debilitating and leave us screaming beside the road of life.

The strange thing that we as a culture subscribe to is we just want to flee the pain.  The pain or difficulty of the situation is more than we can take in our lives.  While this is understandable, we are often misled by the treatment options available to us.  We just look for any way possible to get rid of or mask the pain as if it is no longer present in our lives.

We actually go to great lengths in our lives to flee pain.  Through visits to the doctor, test and procedures, surgeries and medications, we beg for someone to alleviate our pain, heal our symptoms and fix us.  We beg for someone to give a name to the condition that we are experiencing so we’ll be able to know without a doubt, just what it is we are dealing with.

As much as we try to convince ourselves that we have somehow helped our situation, we are not curing ourselves of the conditions we face.  There is much profit and power derived from these pains and conditions and so the illusions are propagated throughout our culture and society.  In fact, they have become the norm in every day life and anything outside of these advertised healing methods give the appearance that they will not help.

Even though we spend billions of dollars each year on health care and healing, diseases and suffering are still present.  It almost seems that new medical conditions are showing up every time we turn around.  No matter how much money we pump into the health care system or how much we spend on doctor visits, medications and procedures, we are not necessarily a healthier people.

A long time ago, our culture and many others found more natural ways to heal the body.  If someone was sick, we were not pushing ourselves to continue our life without interruption.  We knew how to take time and rest and relax so that our body could heal itself.  Today, we take numerous meds convincing ourselves that we are somehow treating and curing our illness.

If these medications and medical procedures are really curing us, then why are these health situations still around?  I am not convinced anyone could argue successfully that we are truly healing people from all these medical conditions.

While I am aware you can mask the pain, this is not healing.  Most in our society do not believe these words.  Even if they give lip service that they do, just take notice of where an individual turns when the pain gets rough.  We cling to what the medical establishment and our families tell us, acting as if it is the only hope we have.  We completely disregard that which is within us as we give away our power to someone else.  We fail to see just how powerful a role that we play in healing our own lives.

It has been said that our cells have the genetic code for replication of normal and healthy cells.  Yet, we see just the opposite of that.  Of course, when stress and trauma are allowed to reside within the body, our normal cell functions are disrupted.  The stored energy of past events alters how the cell replicates and functions.  If we release the trauma, we unleash the cells and the body to function in the way they are intended.  If we hide ourselves from the trauma and stress, they we alter our biology.

By introducing some outside agent to mask the condition in our body, we are not healing ourselves.  We are simply putting a mask over our eyes in hopes we will not notice the pain.  We are hoping the pain will disappear.  In the short term, the pain may disappear.  However, if you give it some time, it will find a way to show up again.  The next time it comes knocking in life, it may be much more difficult than it was before.

As hard as it is to believe, healing does not come from outside sources.  There may be individuals and procedures that help us connect with healing within our bodies but they do not heal us.  For true healing, either on our own or with the help of a safe person, we need to connect with the source of pain in our lives.  When we connect with the source of pain, only then will we find the way back to health.  We can mask this, avoid it, explain it and try to believe that these connections do not exist.  Of course, in the end, we will most likely learn we are just fooling ourselves.  To make these connections does offer ourselves so much more freedom than we can imagine.

By Don Shetterly
September 7, 2010
Mind Body Thoughts Blog

Reprinted by permission from the Mind Body Thoughts Blog

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